Monday, November 30, 2009

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

C*tilin* Indonesia

saya kecewa dengan C*tilin* Indonesia, yang telah menyepam saya
mungkin ada ratusan email dari mereka yang telah menggerogoti inbox saya

perusahaan bodoh macam apa yang kerjanya cuma nyepam orang.

dan juga fot*grafi.c*.i*

parah banget itu website tolol ngirim spam ke

Monday, November 16, 2009

the power


you are the user


you have the power


you have super power

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

ada apa di monas?

x: ada apakah kiranya di monas hingga kau mengajakku pergi ke sana?
y: apakah kau benar belum tahu? ada air mancur yang pandai berjoget.
x: hah? bisa joget?
y: apa kau tak percaya?
x: jogetnya seperti manusia?
y: ya seperti manusia

toloong saya kena spam

ini isinya

Hey you...!! Gue baru ikutan polling seru nih dari IM*, ikutan deh...ngisi polling bisa dapet hadiah keren berupa hape Groov** dari IM* dan jangan lupa juga buat disebarin lagi ya! Biar kesempatan menang kamu jadi semakin tinggi. Makanya buruan ikutan polling dan sebarin deh!

Klik link di bawah ini untuk ikutan Polling Ha**y G* L*c**:

gw ga tau kenapa sampe musti ada praktek spamming semacam ini terjadi di indonesia, udah bosen sama perusahaan yang udah ga bisa ningkatin mutu layanannya tapi malah menggunakan media spam sebagai alat untuk mempromosikan dirinya.

Monday, November 09, 2009

kenapa ga ada terjemahan resmi dari GPL?

dikutip dari

Are there translations of the GPL into other languages?

It would be useful to have translations of the GPL into languages other than English. People have even written translations and sent them to us. But we have not dared to approve them as officially valid. That carries a risk so great we do not dare accept it.

A legal document is in some ways like a program. Translating it is like translating a program from one language and operating system to another. Only a lawyer skilled in both languages can do it—and even then, there is a risk of introducing a bug.

If we were to approve, officially, a translation of the GPL, we would be giving everyone permission to do whatever the translation says they can do. If it is a completely accurate translation, that is fine. But if there is an error in the translation, the results could be a disaster which we could not fix.

If a program has a bug, we can release a new version, and eventually the old version will more or less disappear. But once we have given everyone permission to act according to a particular translation, we have no way of taking back that permission if we find, later on, that it had a bug.

Helpful people sometimes offer to do the work of translation for us. If the problem were a matter of finding someone to do the work, this would solve it. But the actual problem is the risk of error, and offering to do the work does not avoid the risk. We could not possibly authorize a translation written by a non-lawyer.

Therefore, for the time being, we are not approving translations of the GPL as globally valid and binding. Instead, we are doing two things:


Referring people to unofficial translations. This means that we permit people to write translations of the GPL, but we don't approve them as legally valid and binding.

An unapproved translation has no legal force, and it should say so explicitly. It should be marked as follows:

This translation of the GPL is informal, and not officially approved by the Free Software Foundation as valid. To be completely sure of what is permitted, refer to the original GPL (in English).

But the unapproved translation can serve as a hint for how to understand the English GPL. For many users, that is sufficient.

However, businesses using GNU software in commercial activity, and people doing public ftp distribution, should need to check the real English GPL to make sure of what it permits.

Publishing translations valid for a single country only.

We are considering the idea of publishing translations which are officially valid only for one country. This way, if there is a mistake, it will be limited to that country, and the damage will not be too great.

It will still take considerable expertise and effort from a sympathetic and capable lawyer to make a translation, so we cannot promise any such translations soon.

~bagaimana dengan dokumen yang lebih penting dan menyangkut kehidupan manusia?

Friday, November 06, 2009

cicak vs double tape

sekarang banyak orang yang meributkan perihal cicak vs buaya. tapi di kantor gw terjadi hal yang lain dari pada yang lain yaitu cicak vs double tape

dan yang menang adalah.....

Thursday, November 05, 2009

bata merah

gunting kuku khusus untuk cantengan

gunting kuku ini asik banget bisa menjangkau kuku sampai dalam
jadi kuku yang cantengan dapat segera di enyahkan

selain itu saya juga punya alat2 lainnya.

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

level pelit

pelit -> pedit/medit -> merki -> pantat kuning

kalau udah level pantat kuning mungkin dosa nya kita minta tetep ga dikasih

url encode di j2me

kalo di j2me kan belum ada fungsinya.
nih saya dapat dari

public static String URLencode(String s)
if (s!=null) {
StringBuffer tmp = new StringBuffer();
int i=0;
try {
while (true) {
int b = (int)s.charAt(i++);
if ((b>=0x30 && b<=0x39) || (b>=0x41 && b<=0x5A) || (b>=0x61 && b<=0x7A)) {
else {
if (b <= 0xf) tmp.append("0");
catch (Exception e) {}
return tmp.toString();
return null;