Monday, June 05, 2006

tahukah kamu --> cabut flash disk di ubuntu lab fasilkom

karena banyak yang sering nanyain jadi gw tulis aja di blog

tinggal pumount /nama-mount-point


  1. bedanya apa sama umount /[mount point]?

    kalau di mandriva (kalau gak salah) pakai umount aja bisa. kalau pumount itu maksudnya apa ya? apa bedanya sama umount?

  2. pumount itu kepanjangannya policy umount

    nih gw kasih potongan man page nya
    pumount is a wrapper around the standard umount program which permits normal users to umount removable devices
    without a matching /etc/fstab entry.

    pumount also supports encrypted devices which use dm-crypt and have LUKS metadata. If a LUKS-capable cryptsetup
    is installed, pumount will umount the mapped device instead and call cryptsetup to close the decrypted device
